August 7, 2014

WeRadio - Bring FM radio feature on your iOS device


WeRadio is a Vietnamese who write applications and are free on the Appstore, this is an interesting playground to your favorite music via the radio can listen to your favorite radio programs and shared emotions. With thousands of channels and programs you interesting to track.

When used WeRadio you can directly comment below programs, chat online with each other, sharing directly to Facebook, invite your friends to nghe..v..v ...

In addition, applications can still play the old radio theme, if you accidentally skip a certain topic of your favorite, you may still be able to enjoy playback.

The following is a list of channel programs were developed:

  • VOV1, VOV2, VOV3 XoneFM, VOV5, VOVGT Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City VOVGT

  • YAN Radio (channel 3)

  • Zing Radio (all categories)

  • Quick and Snow Show

  • Music 12h

  • Sound blog

  • Blog Radio

WeRadio interface is designed to fit both the iPhone and iPad, the limitation of this application is that you still have to have an internet connection to be able to hear.

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