August 6, 2014

5 or applications on Android photography

For those who prefer taking pictures and recording the moments in life, they use smartphones to take pictures anytime, anywhere. These phones today are equipped with high resolution cameras, combined with a lot of photographic applications, effects, help capture images come alive and much more beautiful. Here are 5 best photography app on Android.


1 Camera ZOOM FX

Camera Zoom FX is supportive application for your mobile phone performance. With 6x zoom capability.

In addition, Camera Zoom FX are built effects when shooting, providing multiple frames so that users can integrate always shooting.

This feature saves time for the user. They will not need the software to edit photos and still get a cute picture.


2 Perfectly Clear

Perfectly Clear provides features and automatic shooting clean and sharp images.

However, the limitation of this application is the automatic cleaning mode can delete shadow images, make images become real.

Also, Perfectly Clear also offers portrait mode, allowing the user to select the angle-time best shots.


3 Camera Lite FV-5

Lite FV-5 camera is also a good application to replace the built-in camera on your Android phone.

This application allows users to automatically adjust brightness when shooting and providing photography Long Exposure mode. Users can capture objects moving fast speeds with this mode.



4 High-Speed ​​Camera [Silent, GIF]

True to its name, High-Speed ​​camera will automatically capture multiple images and combine them into a video file.

However, a few phones not equipped snapshot function. So instead of shutter speed 1 at 50 pictures, High-Speed ​​Camera can only be achieved at the speed of 20 plate 1 in a life of Android devices.


5 Pro HDR Camera

Instead of buying an expensive camera HDR, you can use this application to get the great photos.

HDR photography mode will make your pictures have a certain range of light and dark colors, Also, this app provides 3 modes consecutive shots instead of the usual 1 plate.

No need for an expensive camera, you can still have the beautiful images through 5 above applications. Use them to capture beautiful moments in this life all of you.


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