September 23, 2016

Zombie Shatter  – Annihilate Zombies at will!

Zombie Shatter a shooting game for Tizen phone, where you have to kill all Zombies to get a higher score.

The game is simple, all you need to do is to eliminate as much Zombies as you can. The game has three modes “Practice mode” – train and learn the technique in killing zombies, “Arcade” kill all the zombies, you got three lives to survive the game. Carnange where you have to kill as many zombies as you can in just 60 seconds.

  Zombie Shatter Tizen app (7)    Zombie Shatter Tizen app (5)

With your fight against Zombies you have some tools of destruction to help you eliminate all Zombies. You can use AK47 Kalashnikov rifle for continuous shooting, a shotgun for multiple kills and the grand daddy of destruction “Dynamite” to blow up all Zombies attacking in just one blast.

Zombie Shatter Tizen app (3)     Zombie Shatter Tizen app (6)

But be careful in going all out war with the Zombies, avoid collateral damage, don’t hit the “Teddy” you will lose your life. So far we enjoyed playing the game, animating Zombies that explode when you shot them is a cool, we also love the graphics as well as the sound, if you are looking to some carnage Zombie Shatter is good one.

Zombie Shatter Tizen app (1)


Shoot as many Zombies, and eliminate the monster within 10 seconds! Don’t shoot the Teddy! You will lose your life or time. There are four useful props used to shooting more zombies, get higher scores Take your equipment to destroy them all!

OVER ALL RATING:3.5 Stars (3.5 / 5)

GAMEPLAY: 3.0 Stars (3.0 / 5)
SOUNDS: 3.0 Stars (3.0 / 5)

GRAPHICS: 3.5 Stars (3.5 / 5)


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