May 13, 2015

Eastern Combat Sniper 3D

Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail Eastern Combat Sniper 3D - screenshot thumbnail
This story is set in a Far East Chinese village deep in the jungles. The territory is looked and guarded by a fierce warrior, ‘Samurai Shizoro’, a double agent who is working with Chinese terrorists as a samurai trainer and a foreign agency shrouded in secrecy.
Shizoro is tasked by the foreign agency to train a new recruit in the arts of undetectable assassinations. This is where you come into action. But becoming a legendary assassin like Shizoro will not be a walk in the park. Shizoro has some neat looking missions designed for you, which will involve a lot more than a mere tutorial. You will have to perform stealth kills, infiltrate enemy territories and use melee weapons with efficiency.

The gameplay will be based on objectives and tasks, thoroughly defined for each level. The player will be equipped with a primary sniper rifle and a melee weapon in the form of throwing knives. The 10 intelligently built missions will test your gaming skills, as the objectives will be complimented by a very narrow timeframe to complete. The players will also be equipped with a limited amount of ammo for the sniper rifle and throwing knives, so even a single miss can prove to be devastating.
The missions will include step by step instructions from our mentor, Shizoro, to complete. The missions will involve infiltration and stealth kills, using the desired weapon according to the situation of the mission.
Upon completion of each levels, your player will be certified as a trained commando. The agency, upon recommendation by Shizoro, will promote you to the coveted spot of an official ‘stealth assassin’.

post from sitemap

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